Monday, August 13, 2018

Top Four Fitness Myths

Fitness and myths go hand and hand. Especially now a days. But that is what sells when it come to fitness. The easy to digest myths are what cause people to read articles and buy products.

The four biggest myths I hear about are:

1. It is better to work out first thing in the morning.

Morning workouts have plenty of benefits, but they are not the end all be all of fitness. It is more important to exercise, rather than when. The best time to work out is when you can get to the gym. It does not matter when or where you get exercise. It matters that you exercise.

2. No Pain No Gain

What a crock of bologna! You do not want to hurt when you exercise Their is a difference between pain and soreness. You need to be sure you to stop before you are in pain. Pain is a negative, that is a fact.

3. Work the Abs to get Abs

Abs are more about what you eat, rather than how you work out. I am not saying ab exercises are a waste of time, but I am saying you do not need to go to the gym to get abs. It matters more about what you consume.

4. You need the new fitness tech

Eh, no. Fitness technology has its benefits. Such as tracking activity and tracking sport progress. Sport specific fitness technology are helpful achieving your goals.


Exercise is about finding what you enjoy doing that is healthy. Do not over do it, just find the best you can do.

Common fitness myths are horrible .They put emphasis on doing the unhealthy in order to lose weight and get in shape.

It is more important to exercise in general than when you exercise. Hurting is a negative, no matter if you are working out or not. And to get abs you need to focus on losing fat to see your abs. Working them is not important.